the next-gen, universal inbox

No more context switching.

No more lost conversations.

No more mental overload.

Collaborate across all of your apps in one place.

Works with


And more coming soon...

SlackFigmaNotionAsanaGmailGoogle DocsGoogle SheetsGoogle SliesSalesforceJira

Collaboration is broken.

Conversations are happening in Slack, Github, Jira/Asana/Linear, Notion, Figma, Google Sheets/Docs/Slides, and ofcourse, email. We're spread thin across all of them. Either we're checking each of these for updates, or we're forced to manually tell people that we updated a thing somewhere else. And when the volume of conversation gets a little bit higher, or if there's follow-up, things become entirely unmanageable. Things get lost. Things get missed. We're stressed out.

It can be simpler.

You should be able to go to one place and see all the conversations that you're part of, you know, like an inbox. See what's new. Respond to a couple messages in the moment - add a couple more to your to-do list. Find the things you need to do (in prioritized order). Write a note to yourself. Follow-up on conversations regardless of where they're happening.

Get to clarity fast, and move forward.

This is what we're solving at Fungi. We're building an extendible, plugin-first, inbox that works across all of your apps. Check it out!

Alizain F.
